Japan assists farmers in Calintaan, Occidental Mindoro with post-harvest equipment


On May 23, 2024, Second Secretary NISHIMURA Tokiko of the Embassy of Japan attended the turnover ceremony for “The Project for the Procurement of Postharvest Equipment and Facility for the Farmers of the Municipality of Calintaan” in Calintaan, Occidental Mindoro. Calintaan Mayor Dante Esteban, staffs of the municipal government, and farmers graced the ceremony with their presence.


The majority of residents in Calintaan engage in agriculture as their main source of income. However, they have yet to widely adopt the mechanization of post-harvest crop drying. Most farmers continue to use the traditional method of sun drying method, spreading the crops on flat surfaces like roads. Sun drying depends heavily on weather conditions, and crops on public roads are susceptive to being blown away or run over by vehicles. As a result, farmers lose or cannot sell 10% of all crops due to damage incurred during the drying process, significantly straining their livelihoods.

To address post-harvest food loss, the Embassy of Japan provided a grant of USD 72,007 (approximately PHP 3.8 million) to the municipal government of Calintaan. The grant covered the procurement of a crop dryer and the construction of a shed. Second Secretary NISHIMURA, in her remarks, cited that this GGP project to mechanize the crop drying process would set a positive trend within the farming community, not only in Calintaan but also in neighboring towns. She highlighted that the grant would aid in sustaining the vital role of Calintaan as one of the major producers of rice in Occidental Mindoro. 

Japan is the top ODA donor to the Philippines, and this year marks the 70th anniversary of ODA. The Government of Japan launched the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects in the Philippines in 1989 to reduce poverty and help various communities engage in grassroots activities. At present, 562 grassroots projects have been implemented by the GGP. Japan believes that these projects will strengthen the friendship between Japan and the Philippines and contribute to sustaining strategic partnerships between the two countries.

Note: Grant Amount: USD 72,007; Dollar Rate 1 USD = PHP 52.8 (as of November 6, 2018)