Japan Revised the Country Development Cooperation Policy for the Republic of the Philippines


Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC) - Press Release No.42 - 2018

1. The Government of Japan has revised the Country Development Cooperation Policy for the Republic of the Philippines. 

The revised development cooperation policy states that making full use of its strengths, Japan will extend economic cooperation for the
Philippines’ pursuit of “inclusive growth, a high-trust and resilient society, and a globally competitive knowledge economy” that the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 states as its goals.
 In the development cooperation policy, Japan lays out three priority areas: (1) “strengthening a foundation for sustainable economic growth,” (2) “ensuring human security for inclusive growth,” and (3) “peace and development in Mindanao.” 
As is clear from the Rolling Plan for the Republic of the Philippines, Annex of the Development Cooperation Policy, Japan is providing a broad range of development cooperation for the Philippines under the three priority areas.
※  Country Development Cooperation Policy for the Republic of the Philippines
※  Annex of the Development Cooperation Policy (Rolling Plan)